Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Image Map DNN Module

Image Map DNN Modules

Sometime we need to tag the places, objects on image. In that case, this module will help a lot. This module take an image on which you want to create tags.

Please follow the following step to tag image. I am taking an example of tag india map. I have an india map which doesn't have state infomation so its confusing to identify states. So I want to tag state so that anybody can easily know state location.
Step 1.  Install MBestImageMap module then insert it into your page.

Step 2. Upload india map(any image) from setting of module on which you want to apply tags. Image may be of any size depending on you requirement.
Step 3. Edit image map and  add new tag on image. In this, you can set location position.
Like I added New Delhi and set position and same for Mumbai

Step 4.  Its done :) so simple.  now you will see point on specified location and when you mouse over on point then tooltip show all information on point.